Monday, September 17, 2007

Who's it gonna be?

Apologies for the very late start today---everything has been running behind, including yours truly.

Seven cities have thrown themselves into the ring for the 2016 Summer Olympics. I have heard talk that it is the most diverse group in years. No bid books or other info as of yet, but that doesn't stop me from making some initial comments, based on what I have heard so far---plus a little personal handicapping thrown in for good measure.

Baku, Azerbaijan: Could be hurt by the awarding of the 2014 Winter Games to Sochi, Russia. I doubt a former Soviet republic could secure the Summer Games so quickly after Sochi's winter run.

Chicago: Could be hurt by current US policies overseas, including immigration laws. I predict a quick exit NYC-style when the final vote goes down.

Doha, Qatar: Security issues have been raised about a possible Doha bid in the several years before they formally declared. Could be the first city out in the voting.

Madrid: Too soon after the Barcelona Olympics. I heard complaints about rude personnel from those who were there in 1992. Don't think the IOC will vote for a Games to return to Spain so quickly (quickly as in IOC terms.)

Prague: Do they have the space needed to handle the onslaught? I have been there and it is a beautiful city, but there is a severe shortage of accomodation and venues and a massive build-out might not help.

Rio: There has been clamoring for the Games to be awarded to a South American country. If they don't win the Games, they could play spoiler in voting terms for one city that is.

Tokyo: Perfect! Right time, right place and the 1964 Games are remembered fondly by many. History was made back then---and we could see it repeat in 2016. The members of the JOC I have had contact with are gracious, polite and without airs or arrogance---important!

Of course, when bid books come out, there will be more details. I don't think we will see Beijing-style drama on this vote, but with the IOC, you never know! Lots of things could happen---but whoever wins this one will have it had "right and tight" from the start.

Bring it on!