Who's been to San Francisco? I have, and it's a beautiful place. My late husband and I spent a week there before we flew to Singapore in 2005. Some friends of ours have a house out there and from their kitchen you can see San Francisco Bay. I called the city "God's Country." I've got a standing invitation to visit anytime.
San Francisco also has a large Asian population and it is one of the cities on the 2008 torch relay. They are alredy, if I am not mistaken, accepting applications for runners. It will be intersting to see who eventually is selected, and even more interesting to see who doesn't make the cut.
I would like to see the torch relay bypass the United States completely. If our President isn't going to follow the lead of Prince Charles and not attend the Opening Ceromony, at least let's send the right message and tell the Mainland Chinese where they can take their torch---out of our democratic country.
Some may argue democratic is a stretch in this country. But I am free to blog my thoughts and ideas, peaceful protest is allowed, and we are free to practice any religion we want to. But is that possible in Beijing? I think not.
Beijing continues to break promises. Let's not reward them further in the United States by running the torch relay here. The first step in that is not filling out that application, San Francisco. But if you are, I would like to see a Falun Gong, Tibet activist, or exiled Chinese use that opportunity to get the message across that time's up for China, and that we've had enough of their lies and deceit.
It's the right thing to do.