1. The cost to stage the Games. When Jacques Rogge was elected in 2001, he said at the time one of his goals was "to bring the cost of staging the Olympic Games down." Eight years later costs are higher than ever, including the amount of money spent on the bids.
2. Get a handle on corruption. Some members of NOC's are still getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Despite what comments that came out of Sport Accord said, it didn't end with Salt Lake 2002.
3. End the double-dipping. You are either a television executive or a IOC/NOC official. You can't be both.
4. Address the issues of Tibet. Rogge's refusal to meet with Students For a Free Tibet while in Athens this week was disgraceful.
5. Resolve the issues of Munich. The families deserve it---and the 30 seconds of silence at every Summer Games.
6. Get a handle on London 2012 costs. They're out of control and going only one way: up, way up.
7. Be open to the idea of a Summer Games in the Fall. Doha's people claimed the proposal for their Games in October was what doomed their bid.
8. Get more proactive about new media. The IOC has made great strides and progress in this area, but they still have a long way to go to catch up.
9. Stop saying that they "don't get involved in politics." A lot of the same issues that come up again and again are because of the IOC's refusal to get involved. Some of these issues would be resolved if the IOC had the gumption to step in and take a stand.
10. Find out what links there are to BALCO. Some athletes have been caught but what will it take to make someone sing?