Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Marion Jones: at it again

Was anyone watching Good Morning America today? Marion Jones was being interviewed by Robin Roberts about her six-month stint in the slammer for lying to a federal jury about her steriod use.

She made two glaring mistakes: one was saying that "when you are a prominent person and athlete, you trust the people around you that they have your best interests at heart."

Marion: that was mistake number one.

The second one, and I think this was very telling is that during the interview, she NEVER apologised to her teammates who also were forced to give up their gold medals. The IOC thinks if one person is tainted, they all are and the message is turn 'em in.

I would like to think she has learned at least a little something during her time in the joint. She says that she wants to go out and speak to people about the mistakes she's made. But in my opinion, she has to get right with herself, even before she starts to think about lecturing others.

The real victim here isn't Marion, but her teammates who had nothing to do with doping getting caught up in her scandal and them paying the price for something they did not do. A lot of people, including athletes, fans, and those of us who deal with the Olympic movement didn't believe the talk at first. I firmly believed that Marion was clean, and as I wrote earlier, it was her dirtbag ex-husband that I heard plenty about. But Marion? Nah. No way. How could we have got it so wrong?

Marion, you should be ashamed of yourself. Many people put their trust and faith in you and it is YOU who let us down.

Do you have the guts to make things right?

After seeing you on GMA, I will say the jury is out.