Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday's Random Thoughts

We're back up to our old Friday tricks this week-enjoy!

Could someone tell me why is everyone getting so hyped-up about the new Indiana Jones movie? Harrison Ford---you need to retire that role, or make a sequel to Working Girl.

For those of you who bought the P.S. I Love You DVD, a question: does it look like it was made on the cheap? No trailers and no DVD artwork. I thought it was a bootleg copy at first from where I bought it (at Blockbuster.)

My heart goes out to the Kennedy family. They have a rough road ahead of them. I know-I've been in their shoes and it's a replay of where I was on July 25, 2006 in a local ER here.

Enough already about Angelina Jolie and her kids!

Why do the pictures of Katie Holmes make her look like a zombie?

If you are in Europe, don't forget to call in your Eurovision Song Contest vote tomorrow night.

Raise your hand if you've ever had to deal with a nosy neighbor.

Have you ever wondered whatever became of your boss or co-worker from hell? I have!

Were you surpised as I was by tornadoes in Colorado (of all places!)

I am not a fan of American Idol but I have to wonder if David Archuletta's loss by 12million votes was a backlash due to all the negative publicity he's had in the runup to the final? His stage-door dad sure didn't help things.

We're back on Tuesday (after the Monday Memorial Day holiday.)