Friday, December 14, 2007

Friday's Random Thoughts

It's the end of another week---Christmas is almost here. And of course, I am no where near ready. Looks like it will be another last-minute dash to the grocery store, and various insundry other places! I vowed to be done early this year. The best laid plans...

I don't know who has the more animated hockey announcers: Rogers SportsNet or CBC Hockey Night in Canada. One thing is for sure: I could do without the fights. It seems there are more this year. One of these days, someone is going to get seriously hurt.

We've got lots of Christmas lights on in our subdivision. It's a nice way to spend an evening, driving around to see what everyone else has done.

I've got concerns about that Mitchell steriods report that was issued this week. We'll be discussing this on Monday.

Some guy who was drunk as a skunk almost drove off a condo parking deck last night. What will it take to get the message out about drunk driving?

I feel sorry for those folks with no power due to the ice storms. I went thru one really bad ice storm here about seven years ago. Five days without power is no fun!

Michael Vick got off easy in my opinion (even though he was sentenced to more time than the prosecutor recommended.)

If you can, try to do something for a less-fortunate friend at Christmas. I have, and it feels good to help!

Back on Monday as always!