Tuesday, December 18, 2007

No excuses!

If there is one thing that drives me crazy, it's the folks who make excuses. I didn't know it was steriods, because my trainer told me not to worry. I completed clean. Or, let's overlook the human rights abuses because China is on track for their Games preparations.

I say: enough already!

And lets take responsibility in the process.

Sure, some of the stuff that is going on isn't nice. But it's our job to bring light to that. IF we chose to do so. There are some out there that whitewash what is going on. That gives the readers a disadvantage. Just pretend it doesn't happen and maybe, just maybe it (whatever the problem is) will go away.

We have a responsibility to set an example. Not to babysit the bad guys. If we all can make that commitment, just think of how much more tranparent it will be.

I don't understand the reluctance to do so. What's the worst that could happen? A little more knowledge, maybe?

So, for 2008, can we make the commitment not to babysit the bad guys, but on the other hand give praise where due, and in the process, we will continue to grow, both personally and professionally.

I've already made that commitment. How about you?