Monday, November 12, 2007

China media database---say what again?

The Chinese want to compile a database of reporters and media folk during the Olympics. They say it is to stop intimidation of interview subjects (among other "concerns") and media people shaking down interviewees for money.


You heard me.

I am just shaking my head at this one. Maybe translate "intimidation" as aggressive gathering of the facts and you know where I am going with this one.

Most media people I know are professionals. As for shaking down people for money, that is a laugh. We're looking to get paid-legally. Shaking people down is for the low lifes (alhthough I am sure there are media low-lifes hanging around in the bushes somewhere in the world.)

At the time I am writing this, there is a writer's strike. Most network TV shows have stopped filming. I would rather bet money on one of them asking for money than a reporter covering the events in Bejing.

Just another example of how BOCOG is out of touch one year on.