Friday, October 12, 2007

Friday's Random Thoughts

Well, we all made it through another week. I could have done without the migraine headache that I had for several days.

I am hooked on that new show called "Pageant Place" on MTV. Many years ago, (too many!) a co-worker said to me "Maryanne, aren't you too old to be watching MTV?" Gah.

I never miss watching "Real Time with Bill Maher" on HBO. He tells it like it is. Remember when he was fired from ABC? The joke's now on them.

Winter's almost here and already I am getting cabin fever. Itching to get my feet on a beach somewhere. Maybe back to the Caribbean.

Being a widow stinks. But I said to a friend of mine that if I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't have done anything differently. The 3 1/2 years I was married was the best years of my life. Being a caregiver is the toughest job you will ever love.

It didn't take barely a month and the first verbal brick was hurled through the window in regards to this blog. Just what is it with people? 99% of the feedback I have received has been positive. I don't mind constructive criticism, but the comment about my character was just plain mean. Bite me. (And be grateful that I have not mentioned who you are.)

I had the leafs and debris blown off my roof this week. The company has worked for me before and is very careful. But I am still nervous about workers getting up there---no matter how much insurance they (or I) have. You too?

One thing I am grateful for is that I don't have a major Starbucks habit. Their coffee is way too strong for me. I was at a Starbucks last week and I was jacked for hours on just one cup of latte.

Another school shooting happened in Cleveland, Ohio. Back when I was in high school, the worst thing that could happen was that a student would get caught with a pack of cigarettes or a bottle of Boone's Farm. That now seems tame compared to what we've seen on the news lately.

We're back on Monday for more fun and games!